«Grimmi» Alpine Farm



Enjoy a hearty alpine brunch high up on the «Grimmi» alpine farm or watch the cheese beeing made.

On the «Grimmi» alpin farm, the Erb family makes «Mutsch» (full-fat semi-hard cheese made from raw milk) and alpine cheese every morning from 9 am to 12 pm. On request, you can be present and have the cheese-making processes explained to you in detail. As a souvenir for those at home, you can buy the cheese directly from the farm. Tours of the alpine cheese dairy are possible from the end of June to mid-September by appointment. We recommend that you enquire well in advance.

On request, the Erb family serves rich brunches with their products directly from the alpin farm. They taste even better there than at home. A unique culinary experience is the 1 August brunch - book early!

By the way: You can reach  «Grimmi» alpin farm on the > Grimmiwasser mountain hike. A short detour to the red, ferruginous springs is well worth it.

Good to know

Directions & Parking facilities

Motorway A6 Bern direction Zweisimmen, 1 km after the Simmenfluh tunnel turn left direction to Diemtigtal. Follow the Diemtigtal road into the valley for 19 kilometres in the direction of Schwenden, Grimmialp. Then follow the signs to the Kraftort Grimmiwasser on foot for 2 hours.

Train, bus & co:
By train to Oey-Diemtigen. Then by PostBus to the stop «Schwenden i.D., Grimmialp» (terminus). From here, follow the signs «Kraftort Grimmiwasser» on foot for two hours.

Alternative with chairlift:
From Grimmialp, the Grimmialpbergbahn cable car takes you up to the mountain station at weekends. From here, the «Berghaus Grimmi» alpin farm can be reached on foot in one hour. The weather is relevant for the cable car operation, call 077 432 98 10 for information.

Contact person

Alp Grimmi
Jakob und Ida Erb
3757 Schwenden im Diemtigtal


Getting there

Alp Grimmi
3757 Schwenden im Diemtigtal