© Martin Wymann

«Im Diemtigtal

Nature Park rules

Nature Park rules

Just a few rules for a good coexistence

  • Show consideration for each other

    Please show consideration and respect for private property, such as meadows, alpine huts, fences or roads

  • Please take your rubbish home for disposal

    Please take everything you bring to the Diemtigtal (Diemtig valley) and that you don’t need any more, back home. This is also the reason, why you won’t find waste bins at every corner

  • Stay on the marked hiking trails and routes

    When travelling in the Diemtigtal (Diemtig valley) please be aware that you are in the habitat of wild animals, and we kindly ask you to respect them. For this reason, please stay on the marked hiking trails and routes. Respect to protect!

  • If you really need to go...

    … we kindly ask you to relieve yourself in a toilet or discretely behind a bush (stables aren’t toilets)

  • Place your tent, bus or camper only on official camping sites

    In Switzerland it is not permitted to camp outside of official camping sites. This also applies within the Diemtigtal Nature Park

  • Please only start fires at official barbecue sites

    Even if it doesn’t look like it, during hot summer days there’s often a real danger of forest fires. For this reason, we kindly ask you to use one of our great barbecue sites

  • Keep your dog on the lead and take Robidog bags with you

    Assure yourself that you always have your dog under control and keep it on the lead in order to protect wild animals and livestock. Please take Robidog bags with you and dispose of them in the next green Robidog waste bin

  • Be careful with drones

    Don’t pilot your drone close to wildlife sanctuaries or nature reserves

  • Park only on official parking spaces

    Leave your car on an official parking space and continue your journey on foot