From mid-June to October, there are two barbecue areas ont the Yodelling Experience GrimmiJutz (App only in German) there are two barbecue spots waiting for hungry hikers. One of them is at the GrimmiJutz-Stübli. You will find here a barbecue area, plenty of wood and seating for around twelve people. There is even a toilet. Please note the operating times of the Grimmialp chairlift for your visit at the adventure trail.
Good to know
for Children of the age of 6-10
for Children of the age of 10 upwards
Directions & Parking facilities
Motorway A6 Bern direction Zweisimmen, 1 km after the Simmenfluhtunnel turn left direction Diemtigtal. Follow the Diemtigtal road into the valley for 19 km in the direction of Schwenden, Grimmialp. Chairlift ride with the Grimmialp mountain railways (note opening times on The fireplace can be reached on foot from the mountain station in 1 h 30 min.
Train, bus & Co:
Take the train to Oey-Diemtigen station. Continue by PostBus to the stop «Schwenden i.D., Grimmialp» (terminus). Chairlift ride with the Grimmialp mountain railways (note opening times on The fireplace can be reached on foot from the mountain station in 1 hour 30 minutes.
Motorway A6 Bern direction Zweisimmen, 1 km after the Simmenfluhtunnel turn left direction Diemtigtal. Follow the Diemtigtal road into the valley for 19 km in the direction of Schwenden, Grimmialp. Chairlift ride with the Grimmialp mountain railways (note opening times on The fireplace can be reached on foot from the mountain station in 1 h 30 min.
Train, bus & Co:
Take the train to Oey-Diemtigen station. Continue by PostBus to the stop «Schwenden i.D., Grimmialp» (terminus). Chairlift ride with the Grimmialp mountain railways (note opening times on The fireplace can be reached on foot from the mountain station in 1 hour 30 minutes.
Contact person
Feuerstelle GrimmiJutz-Stübli
auf dem Jodelerlebnis GrimmiJutz
3757 Schwenden im Diemtigtal