Albert Schweitzer Grimmialp-Days | 31.5.–2.6.2024


congress / cultural center

Off to Grimmialp, where Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), «jungle doctor» and Nobel Peace Prize winner, spent his summer holidays eight times from 1901-1909 (excluding 1906)! Here he received inspiration for his «Honour before Life». 

We cordially invite you to the 10th Albert Schweitzer Grimmialp Days. A lecture, an excursion and a film on the topics of world fields, food systems and biodiversity as well as a church service on Sunday morning promise another varied weekend.


Friday, 31 May 2024
5.15 pm Welcome aperitif Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp
6.30 pm Dinner Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp
8 pm «Why do we need biodiversity and how does diversity get onto our plates?» Lecture by Dominik Füglistaller, lecturer in agroecology and resource-conserving land use at Bern University of Applied Sciences for Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, Zollikofen

Saturday, 1 June 2024
8.30 am Breakfast at Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp
9.30 am Visit to a farm in the Diemtigtal
Topic: Biodiversity on the farm. A farmer explains the tension between biodiversity and food production.
12.30 pm Lunch at the Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp
Afternoon at leisure:
Hike / excursion on the Grimmialp and / or in the Wiriehorn region.
Hike on the Albert Schweitzer Trail
6.30 pm Dinner at the Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp
8 pm Biodiversity of Switzerland - The meaning of diversity Film contribution from the series «Netznatur» by Andreas Moser, biologist, animal filmmaker and television presenter

Sunday, 2 June 2024
8.30 am Breakfast at the Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp
10 am Church service with Rev. Thomas Bornhauser, Board of Trustees of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation in the Schwenden Chapel
11 am Concert by the Erlenbach-Wimmis-Reutigen Youth Music
12.15 pm Lunch at Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp and conclusion of the Grimmialp Days

Good to know


  • for Groups

  • for individual guests

  • Suitable for the Elderly

Directions & Parking facilities

Motorway A6 Bern direction Zweisimmen, 1 km after the Simmenfluh tunnel turn left direction to Diemtigtal. Follow the Diemtigtalstrasse into the valley for 18 km in the direction of Grimmialp, Schwenden. After the old Schwenden schoolhouse, turn left after 250 m to the Kurhaus Grimmialp hotel.

Train, bus & co.:
By train to Oey-Diemtigen station. Continue by PostBus to the stop «Schwenden i.D., Winteregg». You reach the Kurhaus Grimmialp hotel by a short walk.

Social Media

More information


Participation in the individual parts of the programme is generally free of charge and possible without registration. (Except Saturday morning excursion) Registration is required for hotel accommodation (full board) and for individual meals (lunch Fr. 20, evening Fr. 25 (excluding drinks)).
Saturday: Bus journey for excursion Fr. 15

Contact point: Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp, phone 033 684 80 00 | |

Public transport travellers: Post bus from Oey-Diemtigen railway station to Winteregg station; Footpath to Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp: 5 min.

Sunday return journey: Bus 2.54 pm Later courses: 3.42 pm and 5.48 pm

Contact person

Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp
Familie Pfister
Grimmialp 25
3757 Schwenden im Diemtigtal


Getting there

Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp
Grimmialp 25
3757 Schwenden im Diemtigtal