Playground Gasthaus Gsässweid


children's / water playground

Playground in front of the inn

Right next to the large garden terrace is the playground of the Gsässweid guesthouse. In addition to a swing with a ladder for climbing, there is also a great climbing carousel that really invites you to let off steam. You can always keep an eye on your children from the terrace.

Good to know


  • Suitable for Pushchair

  • for Children of the age of 3-6

  • for Children of the age of 6-10

Directions & Parking facilities

Train, Bus & Co.:
By train to Oey-Diemtigen station (Spiez-Zweisimmen line). Continue by PostBus to the «Horboden, Chirel» stop. From here Springenboden can be reached on foot (1 h 40 min.).

Motorway A6 Bern direction Zweisimmen, 1 km after the Simmenfluhtunnel turn left direction Diemtigtal. Follow the Diemtigtal road into the valley for 8 km until Horboden. Turn left here and follow the signs for «Springenboden» (6 km).

Contact person

Gasthaus Gsässweid
Margrit Neukomm
Gsässweid 9
3755 Horboden


Getting there

Gasthaus Gsässweid
Gsässweid 9
3755 Horboden