Researcher's day «ab in den Bach» (into the stream)


nature park

Together we explore and experience the secret world of water. Equipped with a net, magnifying glass and binoculars, we explore the waters at the Gwunderwasser water playground and discover the connections around the precious element of water.

A specialist prepares the booked research day according to the age and size of the group. We will introduce you to the chosen topic in a well-founded and playful way, because in addition to imparting knowledge and independent research, sensory and creative games are also on the programme.

Something for you and your class?

  • we enable you to experience nature through the use of different senses
  • You will explore natural phenomena, recognise connections and carry out simple experiments.
  • Through close observation, you discover the water habitat and get to know the smallest aquatic creatures and their special features.
  • Guided research day (3 hours, in German only)
  • for kindergarten to middle school
  • for groups of up to 25 people

Send booking request now
On request, the guided explorer day can be booked from the middle of May to the end of September. Our offers are popular, so we recommend an early > booking request (in German only).

Find out more about our > General terms and conditions

Good to know

Price info

Fr. 200 for school classes
Fr. 300 for individual groups

incl. 3-hour guided tour by an expert, knowledge transfer, games, history, handicrafts and water explorer diploma


  • for Groups

  • for Class

Other Furnishing/Equipment

  • Children's Playground (outdoors)

  • Toilet

Payment Options



Information on accessibility:
Here you will find useful information on activity testing by Mounton (in German only)

Directions & Parking facilities

Train, Bus & Co:
By train to Oey-Diemtigen station. Continue by PostBus to the stop «Schwenden i.D., Tiermatti». From here it's a 5-minute walk to the water playground.

Motorway A6 Bern direction Zweisimmen, 1 km after the Simmenfluh tunnel turn left direction to Diemtigtal. Follow the Diemtigtal road into the valley for 16 km in the direction of Schwenden until you reach the «Viehschauplatz Anger» (free parking). From here you can reach the water playground in 30 minutes on foot by means of an easy hike suitable for pushchairs. A limited number of paid parking spaces are located above the water playground (opposite the former «Gasthof Tiermatti»).


Contact person

Wasserspielplatz Gwunderwasser
3757 Schwenden im Diemtigtal

Our recommendations

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Getting there

Wasserspielplatz Gwunderwasser
3757 Schwenden im Diemtigtal