- 03:30 h
- 10.83 km
- 202 m
- 973 m
- 1,081 m
- 1,929 m
- 848 m
- Start: Alp Meienberg, Zweisimmen
- Destination: Postbus stop Anger, Zwischenflüh
The hiking taxi takes you comfortably from Zweisimmen to Meienberg by appointment. The hiking trail from Meienberg leads you directly into the Diemtigtal Nature Park and the Spillgerte nature reserve. The hiking trail leads past flowering alpine meadows, cow pastures and roaring mountain streams. You reach one of the highlights, the lake Seeberg, after only a short hike. At the Seeberg mountain restaurant you have the opportunity to fortify yourself before continuing via the stand in the direction of Vordermenige and Menigwald. In Menigwald, the cosy mountain restaurant Sennhütte Menigwald invites you for lunch or a snack. Perfectly fortified, the trail leads you through the Gündlisgrabe down to the Bodenallmi. You hike along the Narebach on a short asphalt section until a bridge crosses the Narebach near Lussweid. From here, the hiking trail leads directly to your hiking destination, Anger, and thus to the PostBus stop.
Good to know
Best to visit
Directions & Parking facilities
Railway station, approx. 180 parking spaces
Simmental Arena, approx. 180 parking spaces
Additional information
Diemtigtal Nature Park
Bahnhofstrasse 20
3753 Oey
Phone 0041 33 552 26 00
Hiking taxi Zweisimmen - Meienberg
Operates from June to October on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 am (other dates on request).
Registration by 5 pm the day before at Zweisimmen Tourism: Phone 0041 33 722 11 33 / zweisimmen@mob.ch
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author